Hong Kong beaches 深水灣 淺水灣 赤柱
Island South
08.12.2013 20 °C
由市區到香港島南面的深水灣、淺水灣或赤柱,可於銅鑼灣搭乘40專線小巴 ,上車先拍八達通咭及向司機說明想去的地方。
Hong Kong is not only famous on its skyscrapers, the southern side of Hong Kong Island is one of the beautiful backyards of Hong Kong. Visitors can take green mini-bus route 40 from Causeway Bay to Deep Water Bay. Pay the fare when boarding and tell the driver your destination, couples of minutes later, you will arrive at the most beautiful beaches on Hong Kong Island.
When you arrive Deep Water Bay, you can see Ocean Park's cable cars on the other side of the beach, then you may take a 45 minutes easy walk at the Seaview Promenade.
Seaview Promenade is connecting both Deep Water Bay and Repulse Bay. There are yachts and boats parking here. After that, it comes to the Repulse Bay. There is a Seaside Pavilion on one side, while Tin Hau and Kwun Yum Statues (Chinese female god statues) on the other side.
海灘旁有一名為影灣園的購物中心,這是連馬龍白蘭度 (Marlon Brando)也曾入住的淺水灣酒店淺水灣酒店舊址 。淺水灣酒店的西式建築糅合酒店內的中式流水、拱門,值得一看。中心地庫有一個小小的歷史珍藏館,介紹了一些
淺水灣及該酒店的歷史。 有時間的話更可到購物中心的餐廳來一個HIGH TEA,因為海明威的物件就放在餐廳的The Reading Room內。
After having a sunbath or swimming in the beach, then it comes to a must-go place - The Repulse Bay Shopping Centre, which is a former hotel which Marlon Brando had also been one of their guests. Inside this Western style hotel, interestingly we find some Chinese style decorations. In the basement, there is a very tiny museum introducing the story of Repulse Bay and this hotel. Having a relaxing afternoon tea is another must-do item there.
參觀後,於 影灣園購物中心入口乘任何一輛公車,即可到達赤柱。大家可先於赤柱市集看看,然後到有西方小鎮大街特色的赤柱海濱長廊走走,或到美利樓及卜公碼頭參觀,最後可到美利樓、大街或赤柱廣場大吃一餐作結。
Stanley is another place to go nearby. Take any buses at the bus stop just outside the The Repulse Bay Shopping Centre to Stanley. There is a Stanley Market for shopping (it is overpriced for tourists), a Stanley Promenade (Stanley Main Street ) with some bars and restaurants, and there is a Murray House and Blake Pier, which both buildings were located in Central in the last century.
Posted by simony 03:17 Archived in Hong Kong Tagged beach hong_kong repulse_bay